Our Journey
It all started with a visit to my grandmother. She’s a lively 78-year-old who loves gardening and storytelling, but managing her medications had become a daily struggle. One evening, I found her sitting on the porch, looking confused and worried, having missed her pills again. Seeing her distress broke my heart. I hugged her, feeling her frailty, and an idea sparked in my mind.
I shared my concerns with a senior of mine, Devansh. To my surprise, he had been thinking along the same lines. His beloved grandfather, a retired school teacher who had shaped so many young minds, was facing similar issues. Devansh had witnessed his grandfather’s health deteriorate due to missed medications and had been contemplating a solution. We decided to combine our efforts and brainstorm ways to address this widespread problem that affected so many families.
Driven by our personal experiences and the desire to help our loved ones, we envisioned a user-friendly device that would offer persistent reminders, track medication intake, and provide peace of mind to families. We spent countless nights researching, developing, and testing our concept. Our shared vision materialized into the Smart Medication Reminder and Monitoring System (SMRMS) – a smart medicine box with visual and audible alerts, connected to a mobile app for real-time monitoring. The day we presented the prototype to our grandparents was unforgettable. Their eyes lit up with hope and relief. Grandma’s eyes filled with tears as she held my hand and said, "This will help me so much, beta." Devansh's grandfather, with a quiver in his voice, blessed us, expressing how this device would restore his independence and dignity.
Our journey from personal concerns to creating the SMRMS has been driven by love and a commitment to improve lives. We have witnessed firsthand the joy and relief our product can bring to families, ensuring better health and independence for our beloved elders. We are confident that the SMRMS will bring much-needed relief and happiness to many more families, allowing elders to live their golden years with dignity and peace, and their families to find solace in knowing they are cared for. This is not just a product for us; it's a heartfelt mission to transform lives, one family at a time. Join us in our journey to make a meaningful difference in the world.
Our Vision and Mission
Through our approach, we aim to revolutionise the MedTech space with an affordable and easily accessible product, which aims for the upliftment of health status of our target customers. Care for one's loved ones is what everyone wants, and we wish to contribute to accomplishing it as much as possible.